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Summertime at PCoV


Oh my, summer just sneaked up on us didn't it?

Whats going on at PCoV ?

Well we definitely are NOT slowing down. The studio is rocking especially with private sessions, and we are sooo thankful for that! If you are going out of town give us a heads up , we will be using your spot (and give it right back ..promise) Want to pop into a class our summer schedule is up! Be sure to RSVP .

TRX Classes at PCoV


In just a few weeks I will be at Momentum Fest! I am so honored to be an ambassador for this movement festival! This festival is for anyone and you do not have to be an instructor to come. All you have to do is love movement and most of the classes are all levels so no worries! I wanted to do this to challlenge myself and go outside my comfort zone. I will be guest teaching at Peace of Mind Pilates in Denver on 6/19 and introducing Peach to the Pilates world . I am taking some really cool classes ; Archival Pilates Mat, Spirals, Happy Feet, Happy Hips, BBarreless, Athletic Mat just to name a few.

Yes, my cup will be full and I will be sharing it all with you!

So watch out July is going to be full of inspiration.

ps. You can still join me...hint , hint!

Momentum Fest !! Join me!

If you haven't checked out the new summer Peach collection . Do yourself a favor , stop by the studio and check out our samples. This collection is timeless and sooo summer in Florida! Fantastic dresses, cute leggings, fun tops. Please contact Francesca or I if you have any questions about sizing.

Shop the Blue Crush collection here...

This summer is special at PCoV we are celebrating our 10th year !

Stay tuned there will be a party..there will be swag..there will be tacos! lol...

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